Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Benefits and efficacy of a date for health

In addition to sweet, fruit from the Middle East is also rich in benefits. No wonder a lot of people who like hunting dates, especially during the month of Ramadan. Dates contain salicylic asa which is usually used as a raw material aspirin. Salicylic acid is to prevent blood clotting, anti-inflammatory (inflammation), and relieve soreness or pain. In addition, salicylic acid can control hypertension by regulating the levels of prostaglandins which play a role in the blood pressure. Salicylic acid can also affect the prostate hormone production into the hydroxide group of fatty acids to stimulate muscle contraction and lowers blood pressure.

Benefits and efficacy of dates as follows:
• Benefits of Dates in treating constipation: Constipation: Dates are also known as a purgative. Therefore, the dates are very beneficial for people suffering from constipation.
• Treating panyakit diseases associated with the colon: intestinal disorders: Content nicotinic useful in dates is said to cure all kinds of intestinal disorders. To control the number of bacteria in the gut, the consumption regularly.
• Dates efficacious in regulating the body's metabolism: Keeping the weight. Dates are an important part of a healthy diet. Sweets contain sugar, fat, protein, and essential vitamins.
• Dates efficacy in maintaining heart health: Dates also maintain a healthy heart. Soak the dates for one night and puree. Drink this mixture regularly twice a week.
• Dates efficacious in overcoming impotence: Weak lust: Not many people know, the dates can increase stamina like viagra. Soak dates in the fresh goat's milk overnight. Then blend of milk and dates until evenly distributed. Add cardamom powder and honey. This tonic can increase sexual endurance and cure sterility due to functional disorders.
• Benefits of dates in overcoming diarrhea: Dates contain potassium are beneficial to cure diarrhea. Besides being easily digested, dates are very powerful to overcome the problem of diarrhea.
• Dates beneficial effect of eliminating drunk and Alcohol: Drinking: Dates are known as an antidote to alcohol. To obtain maximum results, dates should be scrubbed and soaked it for one night. Well, you can use this herb as an antidote to alcohol.

Benefits of Lychee Fruit For Health

Lychee fruit is a subtropical plant belonging to the family Sapindaceae or soapberry. Known by several terms, such as Lichi, litchi, lichee, laichi, leechee, or lychee. Lychee fruit has a high selling price, either in fresh or in processed form of nutrient-rich sweet because it contains vitamin C and potassium levels are high. Substances present in lychee can prevent and treat various illnesses, such as coughs, ulcers, and hypertension.

The content of Lychee Every 100 grams of lychee fruit, there are 72 mg of vitamin C. This vitamin is a vitamin that contained most lychee fruit. Just by eating nine lychee fruit, vitamin C daily requirement will be fulfilled adult. The fruit is also low in fat so good is consumed by people who are dieting or just maintain your weight. The content of sucrose and glucose are also very abundant lychee fruit. Eating lychee fruit at night can increase energy reserves for the next day. The content of sugar in it varies, depending on varieties of lychees. In addition, the lychee is a source of fiber (dietary fiber) is pretty. Therefore, every 100 grams of lychee fruit, fiber owned approximately 1.3 grams.

Efficacy of longan fruit

Longan fruit is a plant that comes from mainland Southeast Asia. Not only the pulp, skin and seeds were useful. In this pulp content contained sucrose, glucose, protein, fat, vitamin A, vitamin B, tartarik acids, and plant chemicals (phytochemicals) more useful for health. The combination of these phytochemical compounds could produce many benefits, including nerve mengedurkan.

Efficacy of longan fruit as follows:
• Anxiety, Amnesia, Mental decline: Every day drink a tablespoon of tonic longan (gui yan gao). As for how to make longan tonic as follows: take the 500 grams of fresh longan fruit and 500 grams of sugar. Boil in water until it becomes thick.
• Body Weight Gain After Weak or Sick: Every day, eat as much as 250 grams of fresh longan fruit. Remove skin and seeds.
• Loss of Appetite, spleen Weak: Consumption of 60 grams of fresh longan fruit, remove the skin and seeds. Apply 2 times a day, morning and evening. This method can also cope with diarrhea.
• Burns: Take a little skin or shell litchi. Burn up to charcoal. Mash finely and mix with tung oil (Aleuritis fordii) Put on the sick.
• Foreign Wounds that do not heal: Take a few shells or seeds that have been dried longan, grilled until charred. Mash until smooth. Add olive oil. And dab at the wound site.

Pear fruit for health benefits

Pear is one fruit in the family Pyrus, the plants are easy to grow in many parts of the world, from Western Europe, North Africa to Asia. But a lot of the health benefits of pears for our body, behind the yellow fruit and have brownish spots - brown spots, there are a lot of nutrients and the nutrients that our body needs. Pear itself is rich in natural fiber which helps the digestive process in our bodies, in addition to pears also rich in vitamin C. The content of potassium, calcium, vitamin A, sugar and protein in the pear is very good for the health of our bodies.
Here are some of the benefits of pears that we can get to take it daily on a regular basis:
1. Helps digestion in our bodies, because it is rich in fiber.
2. Able to reduce existing polyps in the colon and reduce the risk of developing colon cancer.
3. Pear capable mengendalika blood pressure in our body.
4. Prevent cancer.
5. Controlling cholesterol levels.
6. Reduces and helps cure headaches.
7. Relieve a sore throat.

Efficacy vegetable asparagus

Asparagus is a vegetable from a single species of plants of the genus Asparagus. Asparagus has been used for a long time as a food because it tastes delicious and diuretiknya properties. Asparagus believed to facilitate urinary tract so as to improve the performance of the kidneys. Asparagus is the best source of folic acid plant, is very low in calories, contains no fat or cholesterol, and contain very little sodium. Asparagus is usually served as fresh vegetables or canned food, asparagus processing depending on the user interests and preferences.

It also has properties that other asparagus, namely:
Asparagus is usually boiled or contrived nutrient-rich juice is vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium, zinc, protein, vitamin A, vitamin K, thiamine, riboflavin, rutin, niacin, iron, phosphorus, potassium, copper , manganese, and selenium, as well as rich in natural fibers which can launch the digestive system. These vegetables are also low in calories, contains no fat or cholesterol, and contains little sodium. Efficacy of the body including the asparagus can improve the function of the cardiovascular system by strengthening the heart, improving blood flow, and strengthens the body's capillaries.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Benefits and Efficacy of Long Nuts for health

Chickpea is one vegetable that is very often encountered and often used as a main ingredient or dish used as vegetables. Long beans are easy to find, especially in Asia, namely Indonesia. Besides easy to find, long beans is one vegetable that is very easy to be processed into a variety of healthy and nutritious foods. That's because the bean has its benefits and efficacy are needed for the health of our bodies.

Here are some of the benefits of green beans that we can get to diligently consume:
1. Controlling blood sugar levels.
2. Overcoming hypertension.
3. Helps reduce the risk of stroke.
4. Preventing a heart attack.
5. Improving the function of the digestive organs.
6. Reduce the risk of cancer.
7. Help overcome constipation.

Besides some of the benefits of beans above, there are several benefits and efficacy of consuming beans, such as help treat rheumatism, arthritis and urinary tract disorders, overcoming diarrhea, kidney disease and reduce itching - itching. And for beauty, capable of protecting the skin from acne and burn healing.

Efficacy and Benefits of beans

Beans is a kind of beans that can be eaten. Fruits, seeds, and leaves are used as a vegetable person. These vegetables are rich in protein content. Chemical constituents in fruits, stems, and leaves are alkaloids, saponins, polyphenols, and flavonoids, amino acids, asparagine, tannins, fasin (toksalbumin). While the chemical content of the seeds is glukoprotein, trypsin inhibitor, hemagglutinin, stigmasterol, sitosterol, kaempesterol, allantoin and inositol. Seed coat contains leukopelargonidin, leukosianidin, kaempferol, quercetin, mirisetin, pelargonidin, sianidin, delfinidin, pentunididin and mal-vidin. Fresh green beans contain vitamin A and vitamin C. While the nutritional content, on every 100 g of beans contained 24 g protein, 0.2 g fat, 7.7 g carbohydrates, 6.5 calcium, iron, and 1.1. 
Some of the benefits of beans are:
• Ability to launch the digestive system, preventing constipation.
• Stimulates the immune system naturally.
• Neutralize blood sugar. Based on research, a substance contained in beans b-sitosterol and stigmasterol were able to increase the production of insulin. Insulin itself is a hormone produced naturally by the pancreas and works to lower blood sugar levels. If the pancreas is only able to produce less insulin (or not at all) then the person will be exposed to the disease diabetes mellitus. Thus, by eating beans, we will also be protected from diabetes.
• Preventing colon cancer.
• Ability to minimize the risk of malignant cancer
• The benefits of beans under the age of one month: launch ation for moms who breastfeed their babies and to reduce calcification rates in humans.
• Beans are also efficacious shed urine (diuretic) and remove toxins.
• Young fruit contains nutrients and glucoside a merit increase spleen function.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Cantaloupe fruit for health benefits

Cantaloupe is always a favorite in the month of fasting. In addition to refreshing, cantaloupe also provides many health benefits. Cantaloupe is a fruit-producing plants that are often found in Southeast Asia. Not only delicious, this fruit also save a lot of health benefits:
• Low sugar and calories: Cantaloupe including fruits low in sugar and calories. Therefore, it is best eaten cantaloupe to lose weight and maintain a healthy body.
• Kidney stones: A study showed that cantaloupe can reduce the risk of kidney stones and bone loss.
• Rich in Vitamin C: Fruits rich in vitamin C, act as antioxidants that are good for the body. Cantaloupe believed to prevent heart disease, cancer and other chronic diseases.
• The antidote to insomnia: Cantaloupe has sedative properties, which are beneficial for patients with insomnia. Want to sleep soundly? eating cantaloupe
• Non-cholesterol: This fruit contains no cholesterol at all. So, it is very safe for people with cholesterol problems and high blood pressure.
• Ulcer: Consumption of cantaloupe juice regularly to treat loss of appetite, ulcers, and urinary tract infections.
• Sources of Vitamin A: Vitamin A in cantaloupe maintain healthy eyes and skin.
• Cervical cancer: Cantaloupe also can prevent cervical cancer and osteoporosis. It ya fruit is important for women.

Efficacy sapodilla fruit

Beside rich in sugar, brown also contains other nutrients such as minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates and dietary fiber. The fruit is also good for the heart and blood vessels. Brown fruit is usually eaten fresh. Taste the sap still attached to the mouth. In the conditions are ripe, this fruit can be made into a refreshing drink or ice cream mixture. However, it has not been commercially cultivated.

Seeds shiny brown-black or dark brown. And large flat shape. Brown seeds contain saponins, quercetin, and oil as much as 23 percent. Brown seeds should not be consumed because of hydrocyanic acid content high enough to be toxic. Meanwhile, brown flower is the main ingredient manufacture parem, namely traditional medicine powder rubbed on the entire body to new mothers.

Sapodilla fruit flavors of sweet fruit this makes a lot of fans. The sweet taste is due to the sugar content in the fruit with the sugar content of 16-20 persen.Bukan only, the sapodilla fruit pulp also contained fat; protein, vitamins A, B, and C; minerals iron, calcium, and phosphorus.

Benefits of fruit amra

Amra fruit or dondong (Spondias dulcis) is a sweet-sour taste is much preferred by people, especially to be a salad or sweets. Even in the business world, amra fruit also developed and created various forms of other processed foods, such as peanut butter or lunkhead.

Amra fruit has many benefits both, stems or leaves to treat coughs, diarrhea and dysentery, the following efficacy amra:
• Bark amra efficacious as a cure diarrhea and thrush. For diarrhea medicine: s ± 15 grams of fresh bark kedondong, washed and cut into small pieces, boiled with 2 cups of water for 15 minutes after a cold filtered. Distillate taken twice a day just as much in the morning and afternoon.
• amra fruit can be used to treat coughs. How: take 2 or 3 pieces amra. Wash thoroughly, then grate. Without the added water squeeze the water. Add a little salt, Drinks to people 3 times a day.
• amra bark as a remedy dysentery and leaves as a cough medicine.
How: Take the taste (approximately 5gram) amra bark that is still fresh and clean, boiled with 2 cups water to a boil. After chilling filtered and drunk a drink.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Benefits of fruit bengkoang

Tropical fruit that is often enjoyed as our single servings of fruit and Lotis as bleach some cosmetic tools beauty of women. Because the content of the fruit of this one was already widely recognized by many people very very rich vitamins and minerals in it.

Bengkoang fruit is a fruit that grows abundantly in mainland Asia that are rich sources of protein and oil seeds are used in various industries. Then on this time I will try to give some exposure on the health benefits of fruit yam for our bodies that can be used as an alternative medicine for the health of our bodies.

The benefits one of which is the fruit bengkoang you can cure ulcers, heal drug addiction and is also used for various purposes beauty. Yam contains isoflavones that are useful and beneficial to retard aging and prevent prostate cancer for men. Hopefully some of the benefits of the fruit content of yam that I describe can be useful for you all.

Benefits of salak fruit

Salak fruit (Salacca edulis) is a tropical fruit that is sought after by the Japanese, U.S., and Europe. The fruit is high enough memilikikandungan nutrition and can be consumed as fresh fruit and processed as sweets. The pulp contains calcium, tannins, saponins and flavonoids.

Here are the benefits of fruits:
• Medication Eyes: Based on research by health experts, fruits containing beta-carotene are good for the eyes. For those of you who want to keep your eyes healthy but tired if they have to consume carrot juice continuously, now you have another alternative, namely replacing the carrot juice with the juice barking.
• Diarrhea Medication: When you develop diarrhea, do not rush to consume drugs manufactured. It does not hurt to try a natural remedy first. By consuming much less twenty grams of meat fresh fruits are still young can reduce diarrheal diseases. Besides natural, fruit is also frequently encountered.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Benefits of Pomegranate

Pomegranate or known by the Latin name Punica granatum, is a fruit is round with red seeds. Pomegranate is a fruit native to Southeast Asia that became popular around the world because it has a good nutritional content. Although most of the fruit is red, but there are also yellow. Pomegranate has about 750 species that can eat and juice. The fruit is also known as a super fruit because of the fiber in essential nutrients needed by the body.

Here are some health benefits of pomegranate for:
1. One important benefit of pomegranate is a fruit is a source of many nutrients such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin C, B complex and C, folic acid, iron, protein, etc.. The fruit is also rich in dietary fiber, zinc, magnesium and carbohydrates.
2. The main benefits of pomegranates is to strengthen the immune system and protects the body from infection and disease.
3. Pomegranate juice has many health benefits. This juice can reduce the symptoms of diarrhea and relieve pain caused by diarrhea. But do not be consumed in excess it can cause constipation.
4. Pomegranate juice is very good for blood pressure. The juice is good for heart health and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Pomegranate juice also prevents blood clots and hardening of the arteries. Regular intake will keep heart attacks and strokes.
5. Massaging teeth and gums with pomegranate seed oil useful to prevent tooth and gum disease such as dental caries, plaque and gingivitis. Since pomegranates are rich in vitamin C, it can prevent the occurrence of symptoms and diseases such as scurvy and bleeding gums loose teeth.
6. You have a problem of bad breath and other dental problems, it does not matter, because the consumption of pomegranate juice every day can improve dental health, expel dental plaque, tartar, tooth ache, etc..
7. One major benefit for women is this fruit to maintain the level of estrogen in the body. This helps in signs menstrual and menopausal problems.

The benefits of watermelon

Watermelon contains lots of potassium which is helpful in cleansing the toxins in the kidneys. In addition, the fruit is also very helpful in reducing the amount of uric acid concentration in the blood, thus reducing the likelihood of kidney damage and kidney stone formation.

Watermelon fruit also contains magnesium, which is very good in lowering blood pressure. In addition the carotenoids in it can also prevent hardening of the arterial walls and veins, which can help reduce blood pressure. People with diabetes should have a diet low in sugar. Watermelon can be one alternative sugar substitute because it tastes sweet and low sugar content. In addition, a variety of vitamins and minerals in it helps the proper functioning of insulin compounds in the body, thus lowering blood sugar levels capable.

Here are the benefits of watermelon:
• Good for those who are trying to lose weight.
• Prevent canker sores.
• Neutralize blood pressure.
• Lowers fever.
• Enabling the heart.
• Helps the body's cells remain healthy.
• Good for those who has problems with urination

Benefits and masks from kiwi fruit recipes for beauty

Kiwi fruit can be consumed by a variety of ways, in addition to be eaten after the fruit peel is also very suitable if made into fresh juice, in addition to scrumptious fruit is rich in benefits.

Some of the benefits of kiwi fruit include:
• Sliced ​​kiwi fruit can be used as a mask can make your skin more elastic and fresh.
• With kiwifruit consumption on a regular basis will make your skin glow and reduce wrinkles on the face
• By laying kiwi fruit slices on closed eyes can help you to get rid of dark circles in the eye.
• kiwi seeds produce omega-3 oils are used for cosmetics.
• The ability to protect the structure of DNA. DNA of healthy means healthy and beautiful skin.
• Effectively moisturizes the skin and make it brighter and smoother. This is because the kiwi fruit contains Vitamin D which can improve skin health.
• The content of vitamin C and E in kiwi fruit effectively lighten skin tone, tighten pores, protects cell membranes and prevents damage caused by ultraviolet light collagen that makes skin look younger.
• Contains L-arginine is beneficial for the degeneration of the skin and make the skin look young.
These recipes beauty masks from kiwi fruit:

• For dry skin: How to mix 1 tablespoon kiwi juice with 1 tablespoon olive oil, and 1 egg yolk. Spread across the entire face. Let stand for 15 minutes. Clean with a sponge, and feel the benefits. In addition to blood circulation, this mask can also be useful lubricate, nourish and soothe the skin.
• For all skin types: How Puree 1 kiwi fruit, mix with 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt, 1 tablespoon orange juice, 1 tbsp almond oil and 1 cup of mashed carrots. Stir all ingredients until a smooth paste. Apply on face and leave to dry. Clean by washing your face with cold water. Benefits may nourishes and makes the skin more relaxed.
• For oily skin: How to Insert ½ kiwi fruit, fresh yogurt 15 ml, 5 ml of skim milk, honey 5 ml, 5 ml fine oatmeal, 1 drop petitgrain essential oil and 1 drop of lavender oil into the blender. Blend all ingredients until a creamy liquid. Apply the concoction to your face and neck with cotton. Massage gently, rinse and finish with toner and moisturizer. You can feel the benefits of this herb is that it can mask cools and cleanses the skin. Apply this mask whenever needed and used immediately after it is created.
• To mask cleaning: How to Destroy a kiwi fruit, and smear to face. If the skin feels pinched-pinch, it means the organic acid content in the kiwi was at work. Wash the face after 15 minutes. Then wash using any tonic. Then, apply a face cream that you normally wear. The benefits that you can get from this herb is able to cleanse the skin and tighten pores are large.
• To slough off dead skin: How to use a blender to crush 5-6 strawberries, 1 kiwi fruit, ½ cucumber that has been peeled. Blend all ingredients until a thin paste. If too thin, add a teaspoon of oatmeal until thickened. Apply on face and neck. Gently massage to gently exfoliating. Let stand for 5-10 minutes. Remove with warm water. The benefits that you can get to clean and refresh the skin.

Pineapple fruit for health benefits

Pineapple is one of the fruits that have characteristics unlike other fruit. Pineapple fruit has sharply spiked fruit leaves, green and hard. Pineapple is one of the fruits that are cheap and affordable. However, who would have thought other than it's cheap for the health benefits of pineapple is also very much. Pineapple is often used as one piece the menu when you're in the diet. For that, the pineapple is very good and very helpful for those of you who are in the process because of the pineapple diet beneficial for weight loss we
Here are some of the benefits of pineapple:
1. Can reduce the risk of hypertension.
2. Can reduce our weight. It is suitable for those of you who are in a diet program.
3. Vitamin C that is the pineapple fruit is able to protect our bodies from free radicals that attack the immune cells in our bodies.
4. Terserangnya can prevent flu.
5. Strengthening the resilience of the body of some disease.
6. Can brighten skin.
7. Can help digestion of protein and can accelerate the healing process.

Katuk leaf for health benefits

Leaves katuk (Saurapus androgynus) better known by the people of Indonesia as a vegetable, leaf katuk it turned out a lot that are beneficial to the body, such as protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, B, and C. Just imagine in 100 g leaves katuk are 59 cal energy, 6.4 g protein, 1.0 g fat, 9.9 g carbohydrate, 1.5 g fiber, 1.7 g ash, 233 mg calcium, 98 mg phosphorus , 3.5 mg iron, 10020 mcg carotene, 164 mg vitamin A, B, and C, and 81 g of water.
But be careful! behind the benefits are so many, it turns out when we consume too many leaves there are some obstacles katuk hazards such as: "If you eat 150g of raw katuk leaf juice for 2 weeks to 7 months, there will be difficulty sleeping, going on lung disorders such as bronchiolitis are permanent, not tasty meal even shortness of breath. "For it is recommended not to consume too much leaf katuk. Before taking leaves katuk better boiled beforehand to eliminate anti-protozoa properties which means it is killing the toxins contained in katuk leaves, the leaves consume katuk maximum is 50 g per day.
These benefits and ingredients of the leaves katuk:
• Ulcers or sores: Prepare katuk a handful of leaves, then wash and mash, paste lumatan katuk Leaves on affected skin ulcers.
• Constipation or difficult bowel / small: Prepare 200 grams katuk the clean leaves, boiled with a glass of water for about 10 minutes, then strain. Drinking water distillate is regularly 2 times a day each 100 m
• Lack of breastfeeding: Prepare 100 grams of leaves katuk that is clean, boiled with a glass of water until the remaining half cup, strain and drink the water filter regularly 2 times a day, stopping when the milk has many.
• Yaws or skin disease: Prepare quarter katuk leaves were washed and grind until smooth. Add a quarter cup cooking water and a little salt, stir until smooth, then squeeze and strain. Feelings drinking water and waste in the body gets affected rubbing or skin disease yaws. Apply 2 times a day until healed.

Efficacy of a pumpkin for skin health and beauty

Pumpkins it also has a variety of nutrients needed by the body, some pumpkins content is the content of Vitamin C, Vitamin A and beta-carotene so it is good to maintain eye health as well as to improve endurance. In addition, pumpkin is also rich in minerals such as iron, potassium, phosphorus and calcium. Water content and high fiber in pumpkin also have benefits for digestion, a fever, diarrhea and resolve inflammation.

Pumpkins are also very good for the health of the kidneys and heart and is able to prevent premature aging because they contain antioxidants. to treat ulcers and as a laxative urine has been known a long time, the content of Fruit Pumpkin containing alkaloids on pumpkins useful as anti-cancer, which is very good for preventing attacks cancer cells. Efficacy pumpkin fruit for skin care, preventing bone loss and beneficial boost immunity.

Efficacy and benefits of vegetables peppers

Like a chili pepper is a vegetable that comes from South America, but is now widespread in the world and can be cultivated in almost all tropical and sub-tropical countries, including Indonesia. Vegetables are typically used as a seasoning mixture and garnish the dish, it turned out to have many benefits for your body and is believed to cure various diseases. Efficacy was caused by a number of vitamins and other substances contained in these peppers such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, iron, carbohydrates, niacin, capsaisin, phosphorus, beta-carotene, lycopene, folic acid, calcium and beta-cryptoxanthin.

Efficacy of peppers is to the body:
• Maintaining healthy skin: Eating peppers regularly can help to maintain healthy skin. The content of beta-carotene and vitamin A on peppers can also prevent rashes and acne on the face and other skin problems such as wrinkles and dry skin.
• Maintain eye health: Vitamin A and Vitamin C which is owned by the peppers are very beneficial for the eyes, especially in the prevention of cataracts. Addition of red peppers and orange peppers also contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which is a phytochemical that may help protect the eyes from macular degeneration which can lead to blindness in elderly people.
• Preventing stroke and heart disease: Paprika contains vitamin B6 and folic acid can lower homocysteine ​​levels in the blood when combined with vitamin C and beta-carotene. It is known that high levels of homocysteine ​​which will cause damage to the blood vessels and increase the risk of stroke and heart attack. Fiber content owned by peppers can also help lower cholesterol levels in the blood cause heart disease. In addition, the combination of vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E with capsaicin may also prevent blood clots that can lead to blockage of blood vessels, which can prevent you from hypertension, stroke and heart disease.
• Prevent arthritis: A study revealed that people who consume less foods containing high levels of vitamin C such as bell peppers, has a risk for arthritis are three times more likely than those who consume them.

Efficacy vegetable eggplant

Eggplant is one vegetable that has a specific substance. Some elements of vitamins and minerals contained in eggplant include: vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, sodium, chlorogenic acid, and trypsin that can lower cholesterol. That is, take the eggplant together with cholesterol foods, even make cholesterol in the diet is decreased. But, even then when eggplant is served with boiled or steamed. 
Eggplant can also prevent cancer, but most eat eggplant would be lethal to cells, to cause cancer. Eggplant can be used to keep the body slimness, controlling stress, because the content of compounds solanine which a certain amount, can loosen the tendons nerves or blood maintained so as not to go up and down drastically. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Efficacy of the fruit soursop for your health

Fruit whose skin is green and white it is rather sticky and slimy it is often found that it tastes good and the price is relatively cheap. If you've heard it turns out soursop leaves can be used as a herbal concoction more potent cancer tamer than chemotherapy. Apparently men also have properties that are not less remarkable.

Here are some benefits of soursop fruit:
• Treating Back Pain: Take 20 pieces soursop leaves, then boiled with 5 cups of water to boil and tinggal3 cups, cold drink after 1 a day 3/4 cup.
• Baby Diarrhea Treatment: Take Soursop fruit that has been cooked and then soursop fruit is squeezed and filtered to take water only, Give way to drink as much diarrhea in infants 3-4 tablespoons to heal illness.
• Hemorrhoid Medication: Take the soursop fruit is ripe. Then squeeze to take water and drink 1 cup 2 times a day, morning and afternoon.
• Treating Ulcers: Take young soursop leaves as much as 5 to 10 strands and then paste in the affected hinggal boils boils dry.
• Pain In Urine Bladder: Take a half-ripe fruit soursop, sugar and salt to taste. All the material was cooked like making compote. Eaten plain, and continue to do on a daily basis for about 1 week in a row.
• Treating Liver Disease: Fasting to eat other foods, only drink fruit juice soursop for 1 full week.
• Powerful for Eczema and Rheumatism: Mash some soursop leaves into powder and apply on the affected area until no longer sore, usually must be made up to several days.

Efficacy of durian fruit for health

You must have known about this one fruit, fruit with hard skin with a typical sharp thorns make durian fruit is easy to remember by many. Sweet fruit flavor that is the hallmark of the durian fruit, with a thick and creamy flesh that makes your tongue want to eat this fruit continuously. Durian fruit consumption on a regular basis is also very good, but not excessive. Because durian fruit has high cholesterol levels. For that for those of you who have a disease of cholesterol, it is not advisable to consume this durian fruit. Durian fruit also contains many health benefits and benefits for us, because it has many benefits for your health, not only in dagiing fruit, but also on the skin of the durian fruit. But unfortunately not many people know of us would even consider that the durian is a fruit that can be detrimental to health.

Savor the durian fruit are:
1. Because durian contains folic acid and iron are high then the durian is believed to overcome anemia.
2. In addition to folic acid and iron, durian fruit also contain fiber that can solve the problem of constipation, and even skin durian also can expedite the process of defecation by grinding until creamed durian then rub keperut.
3. Durian fruit is also a source of vitamin C which is useful as a natural antioxidant that can inhibit the aging process of the skin.
4. In the durian fruit also contains calcium, potassium and B vitamins are very good for healthy bones and joints.
5. The content of manganese in the durian can keep blood sugar levels stable.
6. Durian fruit contains Niacin and Thiamin which can be used to increase appetite.
7. Can help overcome migraines or headaches because durian contains Riboflavin or vitamin B2.
8. With a phosphorus content of durian fruit can also help dental health.

Benefits of Avocado Fruit for beauty

Avocado fruit including tropical plants, the fruit is very delicious when made ​​juice. Besides delicious avocado fruit has many nutrients, so that our bodies need fruit to ward off diseases and to beautify the body. want the maximum benefits of avocado avocado consumption as much as possible.
Avocado benefits include:
• For puffy eyes: How to Take the avocado, then cut into small pieces shaped crescent. Then, while lying down, place a few pieces in the bottom of the eye, and let stand for 20 minutes. then rinse with clean water.
• For Facial Mask: How to Cut the avocados into halves. Then the blender 1/2 parts, add honey as much as 1/4 cup. Flatten the face. Let stand for 15 minutes, then wash with warm water. This method is suitable for dry skin
• hair soft and shiny: How to Mix a slice of avocado (half short hair), an egg yolk, 1/2 teaspoon olive oil. Flatten the hair and leave for 30 minutes or more. Then wash with shampoo and conditioner as usual.
• Hands soft and smooth: How Combine 1/4 section of avocado with 1 whole egg, 2 tablespoons of outmeal, and one tablespoon of lemon joice. Combine and blend on hand. Let stand for 20 minutes, then wash with warm water and pat dry.

7 Benefits and the Benefits of mangosteen

Mangosteen is a fruit that has antioxidant extraordinary and durable even impossible to foul, but it will dry mangosteen and eventually became a fairly hard wood. But behind all that much once the properties of the mangosteen fruit that we can use, especially for the health of our bodies.
There are so many benefits and efficacy of the mangosteen fruit that we can get by consuming mangosteen, are as follows:
1. Mangosteen can cure cancer and prevent the disease. Extracts from the mangosteen fruit is apparently able to prevent the growth of some cancer cells will is in our bodies, such as lung cancer - lung, liver cancer, colon cancer, etc..
2. Prevent the growth of cells - the cells in leukemia.
3. Can prevent some deadly diseases such as diabetes, cancer, arthritis, heart disease and several other deadly diseases.
4. Lessen high blood pressure.
5. Launching pencernaai in our bodies as rich in natural fibers.
6. Being able to lower cholesterol levels.
7. Overcoming kidney stones.

Efficacy Dragon Fruit for beauty

Skinned fruits like dragon scales has become one of the fruit is quite popular. Besides delicious eaten, dragon fruit is also good for beauty care. Dragon fruit contains 80 percent water, vitamin C, fiber, calcium, iron and phosphorus. Besides dragon fruit is also rich in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that is important for reducing the concentration of free radicals. Vitamin B3 is also moisturize and smooth the skin.
benefits of dragon fruit to include:
  • Preventing and Treating Acne
Skin disorders such as acne is very annoying. Because it reduces the beauty of the skin. Overcome interference with dragon fruit is rich in vitamin C, which is beneficial to treat acne. How: Take a quarter of a dragon fruit, smash and grab water,. Apply on areas with acne. Let it dry and do it as often as possible until the acne dries.
  • Overcoming the Sun Burned Skin
Sunburned skin is hot, red and very dry. It continues to feel the effects even after several hours passed. In order to quickly cools and the skin feels moist again, treat it with dragon fruit juice, cucumber and honey. Both pieces will be re-cool the skin, while honey to avoid irritation. How: Make a dragon fruit juice and cucumber each two tablespoons. Mix evenly, then add as much as a tablespoon of honey. Apply on the kuliit the fire, and leave to infuse skin feels cooler. Rinse with warm water, followed by cold water or ice water. Do it every time after sunburn.
  • Protects Skin from UV Rays
Vitamins and minerals contained in the dragon fruit useful to protect trowels from bad influences UV rays. Phytofluence and phytoene contained in it is a natural protection for the skin. Phytofluence molecule will absorb UV light and maintaining healthy skin. So the skin is not only healthy but also hinder the process of hyperpigmentation. His way: Create a dragon fruit juice to taste, then dip a cotton or soft cloth into it. Glue on the face, leave for a while and soak into the skin. Rinse with clean water, and Dress up as usual. Do it every day before the move in the morning, the skin becomes better protected.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Duku Fruit for Health Benefits

Fruit duku very diverse, generally have the large tree titled, dense with bright green foliage, tandannya relatively short and a little fruit. Granules large fruit, round, have the skin rather thick, but not sticky when ripe, seeds small, thick fleshy, sweet or sour taste, and have a fragrant smell. As most of us who sometimes underestimate duku fruit is probably because the flavor of the fruit duku sometimes sour. Duku fruit turned out to contain many benefits that we do not know. Starting from the fruit can be processed into traditional medicines, wood for building materials and furniture, keep it turns out very tasty fruit duku if processed into healthy snacks, such as peanut butter and pudding duku. Duku fruit contains many nutrients needed by the body. Because the fruit is only fruitful duku only once a year. So when the fruit is fruit duku game alone, buy and instantly get the benefits are abundant.
Benefits of duku them to:
• Streamlining the digestive system.
• For Drugs Worms.
• Reduce fever.
• Helps to reduce diarrhea.
• Strengthens teeth.
• Treating venomous insect bites.
• Malaria

Efficacy jackfruit

Jackfruit is a fleshy fruit fiber that has a distinctive smell and taste, one that is rich in fruits and nutritional benefits. Benefits jackfruit itself is very good for your health, not just the fruit that has its benefits but beans, jackfruit tree sap and wood has its own benefits - alone. The content of jackfruit is useful for our health, such as the minerals (calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium), vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, compound thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and much more content that is required by our bodies.
Here are some benefits to health jackfruit can be found at:
1. To strengthen the immune system. This is caused by vitamin  C and natural antioxidants contained in fruit jackfruit.
2. Being able to fight cancer cells. The content of phytonutrients such as lignans, isoflavones and saponins present in the jackfruit is able to resist and fight the spread of cancer cells in our bodies.
3. To increase energy because it contains natural sugars such as fructose and glucose.
4. Reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.
5. Able to maintain healthy skin.
6. Helps optimize all functions in our bodies.

Efficacy rambutan fruit

Rambutan is one multi-use plants. All parts of this plant, from the bark, leaves, seeds, to roots, can function as a drug. Rambutan fruit can also treat fever, gray, dysentery, sprue, to diabetes, can be treated with the right herbs.
Rambutan plant parts that can be utilized are: fruit leather, bark, leaves, seeds, and roots.
rambuatan fruit benefits are as follows:
• Skin Fruit: to treat dysentery, fever
• Bark: to treat canker sores
• Leaves: for diarrhea and black hair
• Roots: to overcome the fever
• Seed: to cope with diabetes (diabetes mellitus)

Benefits of strawberries for skin

Unique shape, just like a heart shape. The color of the fruit is ripe red too tempting. And it was, amazingly sweet and fresh if you're lucky to get a high quality. The price is relatively expensive to make strawberry fruit favored elite.
The red color in strawberries is because the fruit is rich in anthocyanin pigments and contain high antioxidants. In addition to these antioxidants, it is also rich in fiber, low in calories, and contain vitamin C, folate, potassium, and ellagic acid. So many nutrients in strawberries was also able to beautify and maintain healthy skin, but is specifically used to scrub, not made juice.
strawberry fruit benefits for skin
• revitalize new skin cells and keep the skin moist.
• Helpful remove acne scars, blemishes and dark spots.
• Vitamin B1, B2, C found in strawberries nourish the skin as well as skin tightening.
• Concentrations of seven antioxidants in strawberries was higher than other fruits or vegetables, can prevent premature aging and make your skin always looks fresh.
• Strawberry also contains pro-vitamin A, which can make the skin softer and smoother. The skin becomes more toned, bright and free of wrinkles on the skin.
By eating eight strawberries a day to meet the needs of your daily fiber plus vitamin C needed an adult every day. Eating strawberries regularly every day, able to smooth the skin and also prevent the aging process caused by free radicals. Ellagic acid content in strawberries may slow the activity of cancer cells.

5 Benefits of bananas for health

Who is not familiar with a banana, banana is often encountered and it has so many benefits. People familiar with the banana as the fruit of which was served as a dessert food, desserts as well as properties that can eliminate bad breath. Health is very much at all, that's one of the reasons why you should eat this fruit. Behind the taste is delicious and the price is quite affordable, it has a myriad of bananas health giving properties. The fruit is rich in vitamins and essential minerals such as potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamins, namely C, B complex, and B6. Because nutrition is quite complete and there will be a variety of benefits when you consume a lot of fruit on this one. Here are seven benefits of bananas that you should know.

5 Benefits of Bananas for health

• Gastrointestinal Health: Ingredients owned banana fiber can help regulate the body's digestive system as well as maintaining regular bowel movements regular. The content of pectin in bananas can prevent constipation. Based on the research, eating bananas regularly may help reduce the risk of gastric cancer.
• Good For Kidney: The potassium found in bananas have side effects that are good for kidney health. While the body gets enough potassium intake, the body will control the spending of calcium in the urine properly. This condition will make the kidney function optimally and also prevent the formation of kidney stones.
• Bone Health: Fructooligosaccharide is one prebiotic both owned by bananas that allows our bodies to absorb nutrients more easily and leverage. With the maximum calcium absorption, will make your bones to be healthy and strong. Even able to prevent osteoporosis.
• Lowering Blood Pressure: The benefits of bananas next counteract high blood pressure. Potassium levels high enough bananas can help prevent high blood pressure and stroke. That is the reason why doctors often advise patients with high blood pressure (hypertension) to eat more bananas.
• Eye Health: The mengkonsuimsi least three bananas a day can reduce the risk of impairments due to old age or so-called macular degeneration.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

4 Benefits of guava fruit

Guava is a tropical fruit that is rich in nutrients. The fruit that comes from South America has the scientific name Psidium guajava. Guava has a sweet taste, tempting aroma and refreshing make this fruit much liked by us especially red guava. Red guava has many many nutrients that are beneficial to health. The content of Vitamin C, A, B complex, fiber and many other minerals needed by the body. Here are the benefits for health guava.

• Guava is low in calories and fat but contains such essential vitamins, minerals and poly-phenolic antioxidants and flavonoids that play an important role in cancer prevention, anti-aging, and increase endurance.
• The fruit is very rich source of soluble fiber (5.4 g per 100 g of fruit, about 14% of the DRA), which is good for improving digestion. Fiber helps to protect the intestinal mucous membrane by reducing the adverse effects of toxins and cancer-causing chemicals binding in the colon.
• Guava is a source of antioxidants and vitamin C, providing more than three times the daily intake requirement. Skin Foreign guava contain high vitamin C than the tengahnnya.
• Guava is rich in astringents are alkaline and have benefits as a disinfectant and anti-bacterial properties, thus help cure diarrhea or dysentery caused by microbial growth. Further, other nutrients in guava, such as vitamin C, carotenoids and potassium strengthens and rejuvenates the digestive system.

Very many benefits of red guava fruit for health, as well as readily available everywhere and of course the price is cheap. Red guava fruit can be consumed directly, or the most widely used red guava juice.

Healthy with noni traditionally

Noni fruit is known by the Latin name Morinda citrifolia. In Indonesia noni name known by various names, such as pace, bentis, kemudu (Java), cangkudu (Sunda), kondhuk (Madura), bangkudu (Batak), neteu (Mentawai), keumudee (Aceh), tibah (Bali) or rewonang (Dayak). But internationally, noni better known as "noni" which is typical of the appellation Hawaii or Tahiti. Until now noni rarely get attention, because the shape of its fruit which tends to the "ugly" but it is also because of the less pleasant smells.

Young noni fruit juice made ​​by blending with enough cooking water. For a flavor enhancer, can be spiked with a little honey. Taken 30 minutes before breakfast. Efficacious to cleanse the blood fatty deposits, so as to cure atherosclerosis and stroke, and prevent heart attacks to limit fat absorption, consumption and the formation of fat in the body, so it can help slimming program. Moreover, it can reduce high blood pressure and relieve the mind of tension and stress, anxiety and discomfort.

Noni fruit are ripe mashed, mixed with grated rhizome lempuyang, and a few tablespoons of cooking water. Squeeze and then drunk. Efficacious for treating jaundice due to liver inflammation, kidney inflammation, and inflammation of the spleen due to malaria attacks helps remove excess bile and cholesterol. Cure urinary tract inflammation, called Anyang-anyangan (pee a little bit and painful).

Monday, November 12, 2012

Benefits of Melon Fruit

This cheap fruit contains many properties and is good for health because it contains a lot of nutrients, good for the skin, for the eyes, for the nerves, to ward off cancer, and kidney, and lower cholesterol levels. Approximately 95% of meat melon contains water, so that it can give a sense of cool and soothing effect. Because nature has a refreshing, melon could relieve heartburn. Melon fruit contains a lot of Vitamin A, B and C and contains protein, calcium and phosphorus. Mineral content in melon can even eliminate the acidity of the body and has healing properties constipation. The acidity of the body should be removed because it would interfere with digestion, particularly in the stomach organ.
For Melon fruits that are red and orange carotenoid-containing compounds are useful to protect the body's cells from free radicals and can also be converted into vitamin A. Vitamin A is very important to maintain the epidermis tissue found on the skin to stay healthy. If there is enough vitamin A, the skin will be soft and moist. When frequent eating a melon, that set will not skin feels rough and dry.

Monday, October 22, 2012

8 Benefits and Benefits Fruit Wine

The wine is fruit plants such as creeping shrub that belongs to the family Vitaceae. This fruit also contains many compounds known as polyphenols and resveratol an active role in various metabolic, and able to prevent the formation of cancer cells and other diseases. Not only source of vitamin A, C, B6 and folate are good, but also the source of other essential minerals like potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and selenium. All vitamins are very useful for maintaining a healthy body.

Here are some health benefits of grapes for our bodies:
1. Asthma: Wine has assimilatory force that can increase the level of water in the lungs. It is very good for asthmatics because it can reduce breathing problems.
2. Antibacterials: Red wine contains anti-bacterial and anti-virus is strong, so it can protect the body from infection.
3. Constipation: Wine contains organic acids, sugars, cellulose, known as a laxative. These benefits are very good to deal with complaints of constipation or difficult bowel movements.
4. Fatigue: Grapefruit juice contains instant energy. Grape juice that is rich in iron can reduce fatigue balanced with adequate rest.
5. Heart disease: nitric oxide levels in the blood will increase when eating grapes, which is beneficial to prevent clots and reduce the risk of heart disease. Antioxidants can also stop the oxidation of LDL cholesterol that block blood vessels.
6. Digestion: When Andamenderita indigestion, it is better to consume wine. Wine was also good to address other stomach problems.
7. Migraine: Drinking pure grape juice water mixture every morning to cure disease or migraine headaches.
8. Kidney disorders: Grapes can help get rid of the acid in the kidneys. This means reducing the pressure disturbances in renal

Citrus fruit for health benefits

Citrus fruit is a fruit that has a natural freshness compared to other fruit. The resulting sweet and sour taste of orange juice is one of the distinctive traits possessed this citrus fruit. But did you realize that the benefits of citrus fruits for the health of our bodies so much? Maybe you just think that this is only the fruit of citrus fruits that can quench your thirst for freshness we are able to eliminate our thirst. Compounds contained in citrus fruits such as vitamin C, potassium and folid acid which is very useful for inhibiting cell growth - cancer cells in our bodies.

Here are some health benefits of citrus fruit for our bodies:
1. Protects from free radicals.
2. Can smooth the skin.
3. Can remove dead skin and acne on your face.
4. Can cure a swollen foot.
5. Useful to soothe our scalps.
6. Can be used as a fever remedy.

The above are some of the benefits of citrus fruits are very useful for our health. Therefore, for those of you who want to get the benefits of citrus fruits, you can consume each day on a regular basis to avoid some diseases that want to invade your body.

5 Benefits of mango for health

Mango besides good to eat now we also see a lot of people choose to change mango juice drink. It definitely feels awful if it hot minus the ice juice, in addition to delicious and refreshing taste of the oral cavity. Plus benefits and remarkable properties of this fruit.

1. Benefit of mango for therapy: for example, blood cleaners, Lose body heat, and eliminate odor. Mango is considered capable of cleaning the blood flow and reduce excess body heat. Besides mango is also good to get rid of body odor. Treatment with Mango

2. Good for digestion: Healthy eyes, mouth, and throat Content of gallic acid in mango is very good for the digestive tract. While the content of riboflavinnya very good for the eyes, mouth, and throat.

3. Good for memory: Glutamine present in mangoes. Glutamine is a compound that is very beneficial in improving memory.

4. Cure various diseases: These include dermatitis, influenza, asthma, impaired vision, bleeding gums, sore throat, inflammation of the airways, shortness of breath and ulcers. It also can cope with boils, scabies, eczema, stomach pains, diarrhea, motion sickness, worms, lack of appetite, vaginal discharge, menstrual disorders, hernia and rheumatism.

5. To maintain healthy teeth and gums in addition to functioning as an antioxidant, vitamin C has the function of maintaining health and stimulate capillary vessels, healthy teeth and gums. He helps the absorption of iron and can inhibit the production of natrosamin, a cancer-triggering substances. Vitamin C can also make connective tissue remains normal and help the healing of wounds. Vitamin C content of mango fairly be reckoned with. Each 100 gram piece of edible ripe mango supply as much as 41 mg of vitamin C, young mango and even up to 65 mg. Means, by consuming 150 grams of ripe mango or mango puppet 200 grams (1/2 pieces of small size), the adequacy of vitamin C are recommended for male and female adult per day (60 mg each) can be met.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Apple potent to lose weight

Apple is one type of fruit that is preferred by most people. Sweet and fresh taste of the apple makes a lot of people liked it though probably without realizing the benefits of the apple itself. Savor the fruit of this one very much at all other than it tastes good easily obtainable also efficacious for the treatment, benefits apples can help a diet or to lose weight. By eating one apple can reduce your calorie intake by 15%. Preferably before meals consume 1 apple because it can reduce calorie approximately 185 calories. So that their average per month then it could throw as much as 0.68 kg or 9.07 kg per year.

Spinach for health benefits

Watercress including a very popular vegetable. Stir-fry or salad usually made. Watercress is also efficacious as an antidote and can treat a variety of health problems such as reducing the period that is too much, overcome food poisoning, blood urine, Anyang-anyangan (pee a little bit and it was painful), eliminating dandruff, and bleeding hemorrhoids. As a topical, kale can be used to treat ulcers, calluses, ulcers and inflammation of the skin. The content of spinach makes this plant a useful function as a traditional medicine.

Benefits and efficacy of cabbage

Cabbage is a vegetable that is usually eaten as vegetables, and often made vegetable soup. This vegetable is one of the oldest plants and are believed to have originated in Asia and the Mediterranean. Currently, the cabbage is probably one of the most widely cultivated plants in the world both in the tropics and semi-tropics.

Lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body
Treat skin diseases (crushed and then smeared into cuts or oral / edible)
Reduce the risk of contracting the disorder stroke and heart disease
• Clean the influence of alcohol in the blood
Reduce the risk of cataracts
Helps digestive health
To prevent anal cancer, gastric cancer and cancer of the large intestine (colon)
Accelerates healing ulcer pain
Skin care, antioxidants in cabbage help protect the skin from free radical damage known to cause signs of aging

Efficacy Pare

Pare is a living vine vegetables, vegetable is also known for its bitter taste and skin structure berbintil irregular nodules. It is not attractive at all but pare vegetables has many benefits. Can stimulate appetite, to cure jaundice, digestive Streamlining, malaria drugs, can lower blood sugar levels, slow down the HIV-Aids virus, and the content of vitamin C can function 120ml/100 gram pare also maintain the beauty of skin, against cancer cells, prevent cancer breast.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Efficacy basil in health

Basil is often used for salad served along with chili, cabbage leaves, and slices of cucumber. Basil leaves have a distinctive smell which is quite strong but soft.
Efficacy basil leaves for health is very diverse. One is if you have a problem with bad breath or body odor, can eat fresh basil salad every day routine.
But if you do not like the taste can make the juice of basil leaves mixed with turmeric and beluntas leaves and drank regularly every day. Basil leaves can also treat Thrush, take 50 basil leaves washed, chew for 2-3 minutes until smooth. Swallow. Drink warm water. Do this 3x a day.