Sunday, June 9, 2013

Manfaat Air putih

        Manfaat air putih untuk kesehatan memang sangat banyak, air putih juga adalah salah satu minuman yang sering kita konsumsi dan tidak berbahaya karena dibutuhkan setiap hari oleh tubuh kita untuk menjaga kesehatan, air putih merupakan minuman yang paling sehat, tak hanya bisa mempercantik kulit, mengkonsumsi air putih secara teratur juga bermanfaat membersihkan tubuh dari racun dan dapat mengobati berbagai penyakit berbahaya.

Banyak orang mengabaikan konsumsi air putih, termasuk saat bangun tidur. Padahal konsumsi air putih setelah bangun tidur di pagi hari sangat dianjurkan. Jika tidak mengonsumsi air setelah bangun tidur, tubuh juga bisa kekurangan mineral yang bisa mengganggu kesehatan. Cukup satu gelas setelah bangun tidur, akan sangat bermanfaat untuk tubuh. Tidak hanya setelah bangun tidur, melakukan hal yang sama sebelum tidur. Mengkonsumsi air putih tidak perlu berlebihan karena konsumsi air putih berlebih justru bisa membebani karena memicu lebih sering pergi ke kamar kecil termasuk juga berefek buruk pada fungsi jantung dan ginjal.

Perlu diketahui tubuh kita terdiri lebih dari 70% cairan yang mana kebutuhan akan cairan sangat tinggi. Cairan ini bisa kita dapatkan dengan mengkonsumsi air putih yang cukup dan harus selektif memilih air untuk dikonsumsi. Air yang diminum harus memenuhi aspek kesehatan, umumnya air terdiri dari H2O, tapi tubuh juga butuh air yang mengandung mineral (Natrium, Kalium, Klor) agar otot bisa bergerak. Berapapun air yang terbuang, harus segara diisi kembali, termasuk saat bangun tidur untuk menggantikan cairan tubuh yang hilang.

Jika diuraikan satu per satu mungkin tidak akan ada habisnya. Manfaat yang langsung dirasakan mungkin hanya menghilangkan haus pada saat siang atau malam hari. Namun lebih dari itu, manfaat air putih dapat bertambah banyak dan memberikan dampak yang positif terhadap kebugaran tubuh kita. Berikut adalah beberapa manfaat air putih yang secara tidak terduga memiliki peran penting terhadap keberlangsungan hidup manusia :

1. Air putih bisa menghilangkan rasa haus, hal ini dirasakan hampir setiap hari. 
2. Air putih bisa meningkatkan energi untuk beraktifitas sehari hari.
3. Air putih bisa mengeluarkan racun dalam tubuh   manusia.
4. Dengan minum air putih minimal 2 liter per hari membuat tubuh tampak lebih bugar, meningkatkan fungsi otak dan menjaga penuaan,
5. Air putih bisa mencegah terjadinya demam. Jika ada gejala demam, minum air putih yang banyak akan membantu menurunkan gejala panas dalam dan temperatur tubuh.
6. Air putih bisa mempercepat aliran darah. Minum air putih akan membantu meningkatkan peredaran darah.


Informasi manfaat. (2013, Januari). Manfaat Air Putih Untuk Kesehatan. Diperoleh 09 Juni 2013,

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Benefits and efficacy of a date for health

In addition to sweet, fruit from the Middle East is also rich in benefits. No wonder a lot of people who like hunting dates, especially during the month of Ramadan. Dates contain salicylic asa which is usually used as a raw material aspirin. Salicylic acid is to prevent blood clotting, anti-inflammatory (inflammation), and relieve soreness or pain. In addition, salicylic acid can control hypertension by regulating the levels of prostaglandins which play a role in the blood pressure. Salicylic acid can also affect the prostate hormone production into the hydroxide group of fatty acids to stimulate muscle contraction and lowers blood pressure.

Benefits and efficacy of dates as follows:
• Benefits of Dates in treating constipation: Constipation: Dates are also known as a purgative. Therefore, the dates are very beneficial for people suffering from constipation.
• Treating panyakit diseases associated with the colon: intestinal disorders: Content nicotinic useful in dates is said to cure all kinds of intestinal disorders. To control the number of bacteria in the gut, the consumption regularly.
• Dates efficacious in regulating the body's metabolism: Keeping the weight. Dates are an important part of a healthy diet. Sweets contain sugar, fat, protein, and essential vitamins.
• Dates efficacy in maintaining heart health: Dates also maintain a healthy heart. Soak the dates for one night and puree. Drink this mixture regularly twice a week.
• Dates efficacious in overcoming impotence: Weak lust: Not many people know, the dates can increase stamina like viagra. Soak dates in the fresh goat's milk overnight. Then blend of milk and dates until evenly distributed. Add cardamom powder and honey. This tonic can increase sexual endurance and cure sterility due to functional disorders.
• Benefits of dates in overcoming diarrhea: Dates contain potassium are beneficial to cure diarrhea. Besides being easily digested, dates are very powerful to overcome the problem of diarrhea.
• Dates beneficial effect of eliminating drunk and Alcohol: Drinking: Dates are known as an antidote to alcohol. To obtain maximum results, dates should be scrubbed and soaked it for one night. Well, you can use this herb as an antidote to alcohol.

Benefits of Lychee Fruit For Health

Lychee fruit is a subtropical plant belonging to the family Sapindaceae or soapberry. Known by several terms, such as Lichi, litchi, lichee, laichi, leechee, or lychee. Lychee fruit has a high selling price, either in fresh or in processed form of nutrient-rich sweet because it contains vitamin C and potassium levels are high. Substances present in lychee can prevent and treat various illnesses, such as coughs, ulcers, and hypertension.

The content of Lychee Every 100 grams of lychee fruit, there are 72 mg of vitamin C. This vitamin is a vitamin that contained most lychee fruit. Just by eating nine lychee fruit, vitamin C daily requirement will be fulfilled adult. The fruit is also low in fat so good is consumed by people who are dieting or just maintain your weight. The content of sucrose and glucose are also very abundant lychee fruit. Eating lychee fruit at night can increase energy reserves for the next day. The content of sugar in it varies, depending on varieties of lychees. In addition, the lychee is a source of fiber (dietary fiber) is pretty. Therefore, every 100 grams of lychee fruit, fiber owned approximately 1.3 grams.

Efficacy of longan fruit

Longan fruit is a plant that comes from mainland Southeast Asia. Not only the pulp, skin and seeds were useful. In this pulp content contained sucrose, glucose, protein, fat, vitamin A, vitamin B, tartarik acids, and plant chemicals (phytochemicals) more useful for health. The combination of these phytochemical compounds could produce many benefits, including nerve mengedurkan.

Efficacy of longan fruit as follows:
• Anxiety, Amnesia, Mental decline: Every day drink a tablespoon of tonic longan (gui yan gao). As for how to make longan tonic as follows: take the 500 grams of fresh longan fruit and 500 grams of sugar. Boil in water until it becomes thick.
• Body Weight Gain After Weak or Sick: Every day, eat as much as 250 grams of fresh longan fruit. Remove skin and seeds.
• Loss of Appetite, spleen Weak: Consumption of 60 grams of fresh longan fruit, remove the skin and seeds. Apply 2 times a day, morning and evening. This method can also cope with diarrhea.
• Burns: Take a little skin or shell litchi. Burn up to charcoal. Mash finely and mix with tung oil (Aleuritis fordii) Put on the sick.
• Foreign Wounds that do not heal: Take a few shells or seeds that have been dried longan, grilled until charred. Mash until smooth. Add olive oil. And dab at the wound site.

Pear fruit for health benefits

Pear is one fruit in the family Pyrus, the plants are easy to grow in many parts of the world, from Western Europe, North Africa to Asia. But a lot of the health benefits of pears for our body, behind the yellow fruit and have brownish spots - brown spots, there are a lot of nutrients and the nutrients that our body needs. Pear itself is rich in natural fiber which helps the digestive process in our bodies, in addition to pears also rich in vitamin C. The content of potassium, calcium, vitamin A, sugar and protein in the pear is very good for the health of our bodies.
Here are some of the benefits of pears that we can get to take it daily on a regular basis:
1. Helps digestion in our bodies, because it is rich in fiber.
2. Able to reduce existing polyps in the colon and reduce the risk of developing colon cancer.
3. Pear capable mengendalika blood pressure in our body.
4. Prevent cancer.
5. Controlling cholesterol levels.
6. Reduces and helps cure headaches.
7. Relieve a sore throat.

Efficacy vegetable asparagus

Asparagus is a vegetable from a single species of plants of the genus Asparagus. Asparagus has been used for a long time as a food because it tastes delicious and diuretiknya properties. Asparagus believed to facilitate urinary tract so as to improve the performance of the kidneys. Asparagus is the best source of folic acid plant, is very low in calories, contains no fat or cholesterol, and contain very little sodium. Asparagus is usually served as fresh vegetables or canned food, asparagus processing depending on the user interests and preferences.

It also has properties that other asparagus, namely:
Asparagus is usually boiled or contrived nutrient-rich juice is vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium, zinc, protein, vitamin A, vitamin K, thiamine, riboflavin, rutin, niacin, iron, phosphorus, potassium, copper , manganese, and selenium, as well as rich in natural fibers which can launch the digestive system. These vegetables are also low in calories, contains no fat or cholesterol, and contains little sodium. Efficacy of the body including the asparagus can improve the function of the cardiovascular system by strengthening the heart, improving blood flow, and strengthens the body's capillaries.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Benefits and Efficacy of Long Nuts for health

Chickpea is one vegetable that is very often encountered and often used as a main ingredient or dish used as vegetables. Long beans are easy to find, especially in Asia, namely Indonesia. Besides easy to find, long beans is one vegetable that is very easy to be processed into a variety of healthy and nutritious foods. That's because the bean has its benefits and efficacy are needed for the health of our bodies.

Here are some of the benefits of green beans that we can get to diligently consume:
1. Controlling blood sugar levels.
2. Overcoming hypertension.
3. Helps reduce the risk of stroke.
4. Preventing a heart attack.
5. Improving the function of the digestive organs.
6. Reduce the risk of cancer.
7. Help overcome constipation.

Besides some of the benefits of beans above, there are several benefits and efficacy of consuming beans, such as help treat rheumatism, arthritis and urinary tract disorders, overcoming diarrhea, kidney disease and reduce itching - itching. And for beauty, capable of protecting the skin from acne and burn healing.