Monday, November 19, 2012

Benefits and Efficacy of Long Nuts for health

Chickpea is one vegetable that is very often encountered and often used as a main ingredient or dish used as vegetables. Long beans are easy to find, especially in Asia, namely Indonesia. Besides easy to find, long beans is one vegetable that is very easy to be processed into a variety of healthy and nutritious foods. That's because the bean has its benefits and efficacy are needed for the health of our bodies.

Here are some of the benefits of green beans that we can get to diligently consume:
1. Controlling blood sugar levels.
2. Overcoming hypertension.
3. Helps reduce the risk of stroke.
4. Preventing a heart attack.
5. Improving the function of the digestive organs.
6. Reduce the risk of cancer.
7. Help overcome constipation.

Besides some of the benefits of beans above, there are several benefits and efficacy of consuming beans, such as help treat rheumatism, arthritis and urinary tract disorders, overcoming diarrhea, kidney disease and reduce itching - itching. And for beauty, capable of protecting the skin from acne and burn healing.

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