Sunday, October 7, 2012

Efficacy carrots for health

Carrot for health benefits, especially the eyes no doubt. In addition to delicious vegetable also has a variety of nutrients is high enough that we can get, following them:

Improve the digestive system: yellow / orange of carrots showed carotene content. Carrot juice has an effect on health. Drinking carrot juice is also good for the liver cleansing effects of vitamin A present in this vegetable. Vitamin A reduces bile and fat in the liver.
Prevents night blindness and improve vision: carotene is also good for eye health. helps prevent night blindness and weak eyesight improving. vitamin A deficiency, known in medical terms as a vitaminosis, can cause night blindness or night blindness.
Overcoming painful menstruation: 250 grams of carrots washed and cut into pieces. Add a little water, then blend. Try to drink this concoction at least 2 times a day.
Overcoming burns: mashed carrots until smooth and spread on burns. Do it as often as possible until the wound is not hot.
Eating carrots for 3 weeks, can lower the risk of heart attack by about 22%. Eating carrots at least 5 times a week can lower the risk of stroke by 68%. For those who have already had a stroke, vitamin A in carrots can prevent post-stroke disability. In 100 grams of carrots is known to contain 12 000 SI vitamin A.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for this information. You people can also take help from the other fruit juices or the herbs to maintain good health fro long. You people can also take help from the Pure Goji Berry Juice to maintain good health as this can simply enhance your overall health and immunity.
