Sunday, November 18, 2012

Benefits of fruit amra

Amra fruit or dondong (Spondias dulcis) is a sweet-sour taste is much preferred by people, especially to be a salad or sweets. Even in the business world, amra fruit also developed and created various forms of other processed foods, such as peanut butter or lunkhead.

Amra fruit has many benefits both, stems or leaves to treat coughs, diarrhea and dysentery, the following efficacy amra:
• Bark amra efficacious as a cure diarrhea and thrush. For diarrhea medicine: s ± 15 grams of fresh bark kedondong, washed and cut into small pieces, boiled with 2 cups of water for 15 minutes after a cold filtered. Distillate taken twice a day just as much in the morning and afternoon.
• amra fruit can be used to treat coughs. How: take 2 or 3 pieces amra. Wash thoroughly, then grate. Without the added water squeeze the water. Add a little salt, Drinks to people 3 times a day.
• amra bark as a remedy dysentery and leaves as a cough medicine.
How: Take the taste (approximately 5gram) amra bark that is still fresh and clean, boiled with 2 cups water to a boil. After chilling filtered and drunk a drink.

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