Thursday, November 15, 2012

Efficacy of the fruit soursop for your health

Fruit whose skin is green and white it is rather sticky and slimy it is often found that it tastes good and the price is relatively cheap. If you've heard it turns out soursop leaves can be used as a herbal concoction more potent cancer tamer than chemotherapy. Apparently men also have properties that are not less remarkable.

Here are some benefits of soursop fruit:
• Treating Back Pain: Take 20 pieces soursop leaves, then boiled with 5 cups of water to boil and tinggal3 cups, cold drink after 1 a day 3/4 cup.
• Baby Diarrhea Treatment: Take Soursop fruit that has been cooked and then soursop fruit is squeezed and filtered to take water only, Give way to drink as much diarrhea in infants 3-4 tablespoons to heal illness.
• Hemorrhoid Medication: Take the soursop fruit is ripe. Then squeeze to take water and drink 1 cup 2 times a day, morning and afternoon.
• Treating Ulcers: Take young soursop leaves as much as 5 to 10 strands and then paste in the affected hinggal boils boils dry.
• Pain In Urine Bladder: Take a half-ripe fruit soursop, sugar and salt to taste. All the material was cooked like making compote. Eaten plain, and continue to do on a daily basis for about 1 week in a row.
• Treating Liver Disease: Fasting to eat other foods, only drink fruit juice soursop for 1 full week.
• Powerful for Eczema and Rheumatism: Mash some soursop leaves into powder and apply on the affected area until no longer sore, usually must be made up to several days.

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